Mother Daughter Tea

Mother’s Day is a time that we celebrate those that gave us life and taught us how to live, and on May 10th at 6 pm we will be having a Mother and Daughter Tea. This is for any woman or girl that is a mother and/or daughter. You do not have to bring a mother and you do not have to bring a daughter! All women are welcome, all ages. Feel free to respond to our Facebook Event page to get updates!

Mrs. Eunice Carter, one of our missionaries that we support, will be speaking to us on Psalm 63:1- “O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is;”

Our theme this year is “My Soul Thirsteth for Thee”. Bring a finger food to share, drinks will be provided. We will not have a nursery, but all ages are welcome.

If you need a ride, you may contact us at 405-397-1642

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