January 2025 Events

This January we have a few ways for you to get involved!

As always, on the first Sunday night of the month we are having our Birthday and Anniversary Ice Cream Social. Those with birthdays or anniversaries in the month of January get to go first. The church will provide the ice cream so bring your favorite toppings and side desserts!

On January 18th we will be having Men’s Prayer Breakfast Event. This will be at 8:30am and is open to any men or boys that would be interested in coming. We will be spending special time praying for our church, our city and state, and our country. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board; please sign up for any food you are willing to bring.

We also have canvassing and door-knocking on Saturdays at 2pm during January and February. If the weather will be below 40 degrees, we will be having a church workday to clean and repair some places in the church building.

For more opportunities to get involved, please see our bulletin board for future events, sign-ups, and information.

Service Times:
Sunday School- 10am
Sunday Morning- 11am
Sunday Evening- 5pm
Wednesday- 7pm
Please call (405)397-1642 for a ride or for more information.

July 2024 Events

Our monthly Birthday and Anniversary ice cream social event will be the 1st Sunday after the Evening Service. Bring your favorite dessert to share as we celebrate those that have birthdays and anniversaries in July! You don’t have to be a member to participate.

Our Pastor and his family will be going to Silver State Baptist Youth Camp July 15-19th. Pray that they have safe travels, good health while they’re gone, and for the Lord to work in the hearts of all the campers that are there! We will still be having Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study service at 7pm while they’re gone.

On July 21st, Caleb Bane will be in our services presenting his ministry in Washington State. He will also be preaching. Caleb Bane and his family interned at our church for several years while they were in Oklahoma City for Bible College. You won’t want to miss this special day!

May 2024 Events

5- Ice Cream Birthday/Anniversary Social after Evening Service- bring your favorite dessert or ice cream topping to share! All May birthdays and anniversaries will be celebrated.

12- Mother’s Day- all mothers present will receive a special gift.

19- Anniversary Sunday- Potluck lunch after morning service. Bring a side dish or dessert to share! We will be celebrating 2 years!

26- Graduate Sunday- All high school and college graduates will be recognized.

Regular Service Times:
Sunday School: 10am
Sunday Morning: 11am
Sunday Night: 5pm
Wednesday: 7pm

Nursery available for all services. If you need a ride or have questions, please contact us at (405)397-1642

April 2024 Events

7- Ice Cream Birthday/Anniversary Social after Evening Service- join us for ice cream and other treats as we celebrate all of the birthdays and annniversaries in the month of April! This event is open to anyone attending the evening service.

27- Ladies Tea @2pm- a special time for the ladies of the church to come together for a simple time of games, a devotion, tea, and snacks. This event is for all ages. Please let Laura Carter know if you are able to attend.

Regular Service Times:
Sunday School- 10am
Sunday Morning- 11am
Junior Church- 11am (for ages 3-12)
Sunday Evening- 5pm
Wednesday Evening- 7pm

Nursery is available for all services.
If you would like a ride to services, please contact us at (405)397-1642

February 2024 Events

3- Youth Rally @ Ada Baptist Temple- there is no cost. For teens ages 13+. If you or your teen would like to go, contact Pastor and we will make arrangements to pick you up!

4- Ice Cream Birthday/Anniversary Social after Evening Service- Join us as we celebrate the birthdays and anniversaries in the month of February! Bring your favorite dessert or ice cream topping to share!

11- Super Friend Sunday! Morning Service- gift for every visitor. Special prize for the person with the most yards! Invite your friends, neighbors, enemies, and everyone in between! For every person that you sign up to come (must provide address) you get 10 yards. More yards will be earned for visitors that come and fill out a visitors card. Reminder cards will be mailed out next week so be sure to turn in those names and addresses!

21- Deadline to bring baby stuff for Garbers! Our missionary family, Justin and Carla Garber, are having a baby boy in March! We would like to collect baby items to send to them. Used items are welcomed as long as they’re in good condition. Their nursery theme is zoo animals with the colors navy and light green. Here is a list of items to buy:

  • Size 1 and bigger diapers
  • Socks
  • Burp Cloths
  • 3-6 and up clothes
  • Soft Baby Hats
  • Wash Cloths
  • Mini Crib Sheets

If you need a ride to any of our services, please contact (405)397-1642

January 2024 Events

On January 7th we will be having our monthly Birthday and Anniversary ice cream party! Feel free to bring your favorite ice cream, toppings, or dessert! Those with birthdays and anniversaries in January get to go first but everyone is welcome to join!

July 26th at 7pm will be our Ladies Craft Night. Please let Kayla know if you will be attending so she can have enough supplies. There is no cost. This is for ladies 18 and older. Bring a snack you would like to share!

We have regular service times every week. On Sundays at 10am is our Sunday School hour with specific classes for teens and adults. Children are welcome into the regular service. Sunday mornings at 11 is our Morning Service. Junior church is available for children ages 3-12. We have a nursery available if needed. Sunday night is our Evening Service at 5pm. Join us Wednesdays at 7pm for our Bible Study and Prayer service. Everyone is welcome to share prayer requests and we will prayer collectetively at the end of the service for those requests.

For a ride or for more information about ministries please call or text at (405)397-1642.

August 2023 Events

6- Ice Cream Birthday/Anniversary Social after Evening Service- we will celebrate all August Birthdays and Anniversaries after the Evening Service! The church will provide ice cream so just bring your favorite toppings or desserts!

12- Nick and Jennifer’s Wedding @2- Celebrate the union of this couple. There will be a light dinner afterward. They are registered on Amazon under Jennifer Rogers and Nicholas Mulaney

17- Ladies Craft Night for all ladies ages 18+. Please bring a white pillar candle and a snack to share!

25-26- Ladies Retreat; Branson, MO. Retreat cost is $45 plus hotel, gas, and food costs. We will leave Friday the 25th at 9am and get back Saturday the 26th in the evening. Talk to Laura Carter if you are interested.

July 2023 Events

2- Ice Cream Birthday/Anniversary Social after Evening Service

8- “Jesus Loves Me” VBS- Macrory Park 9am-12. Ages 5-12. Register Here!

17-22- Silver State Baptist Youth Camp, Sedalia CO

23- Rackley Family to South Africa

30- 5th Sunday Question and Answer Service