This January we have a few ways for you to get involved!
As always, on the first Sunday night of the month we are having our Birthday and Anniversary Ice Cream Social. Those with birthdays or anniversaries in the month of January get to go first. The church will provide the ice cream so bring your favorite toppings and side desserts!
On January 18th we will be having Men’s Prayer Breakfast Event. This will be at 8:30am and is open to any men or boys that would be interested in coming. We will be spending special time praying for our church, our city and state, and our country. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board; please sign up for any food you are willing to bring.
We also have canvassing and door-knocking on Saturdays at 2pm during January and February. If the weather will be below 40 degrees, we will be having a church workday to clean and repair some places in the church building.
For more opportunities to get involved, please see our bulletin board for future events, sign-ups, and information.
Service Times:
Sunday School- 10am
Sunday Morning- 11am
Sunday Evening- 5pm
Wednesday- 7pm
Please call (405)397-1642 for a ride or for more information.