1- Ice Cream Birthday/Anniversary Social after Evening Service- Join us as we celebrate all birthdays and anniversaries in the month of May!
7- Mother’s Day Tea @3pm; all ladies and girls invited. Join us for a fun and encouraging tea party! All ladies are invited- having or being a mother not required. We will have tea, coffee, and lemonade and yummy treats! Enjoy a devotion, a game, and lots of fun!
8- Mother’s Day- all mothers present with receive a gift!
15-18- Spring Revival w/ Maury Gibson- Sunday services will be regular times- 10am, 11am, and 5pm. Monday- Wednesday services will be at 7pm.
22- Church Organization Service @ 1:30; potluck lunch beforehand, no evening service. We are excited to organize as a church and become our own indigenous church! All members are encouraged to attend as we will be signing the Church Charter to signify the first official members of the church!