2- Ice Cream Birthday/Anniversary Social after Evening Service- Join us as we celebrate all of the April birthdays and anniversaries! Ice cream will be provided but bring your favorite toppings and desserts to share.
4- Lord’s Supper @7- For members only.
9- Resurrection Sunday- we will be remembering the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
28- College and Career Activity- For ages 18 (graduated from high school)-25. See Pastor for more details.
29- Men’s Prayer Breakfast @ 8:30- Open to all men of any age. Hear about Pastor’s vision for the church and have a time of prayer for growth for the church and God’s blessings. All food will be provided.
30- 5th Sunday Question and Answer Service. Do you have a spiritual or biblical question? Put it in the box on the entryway table before April 26th. Pastor will be answering these questions in the Sunday evening service.