1- Ice Cream Birthday/Anniversary Social after Evening Service- join us as we celebrate Birthdays and Anniversaries for the month of September!
2-5- Beth Haven VBS and Teen Conference; 6:30-8- there is no cost but registration is requested. Register here
4- HOPE for Women starts @6
7- Youth Rally @ Beth Haven 10-2 $3/each- van will leave from church at 9:30am
12-14- Marriage Retreat @ Beth Haven- see Pastor Carter for more information
15- Livestream with Beth Haven @10:35am- be ready to share what God has done in our church in the last month!
27-28- Ladies Retreat @ Vandament Avenue Baptist Church- see Laura Carter for more information
29- 5th Sunday Youth Service
Outreach Opportunities- Every Thursday @7 for door-knocking; Every Saturday @10 for canvassing.
Regular Service Times
Service Times:
Sunday School: 10am
Sunday Worship: 11am
Sunday Evening: 5pm
Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study: 7pm
Nursery is available for all services.
For more information or for a ride to any service,
please contact us at (405)397-1642