Full Services and Activities Resuming

We are going to resume full service schedule and activities starting June 7, 2020. This means that we will have Children’s Sunday School and Junior Church on Sunday mornings as well as nursery services available as needed. Wednesday nights we will have a class for children ages 2-7 during the Prayer and Bible Study times.

Starting on June 7th, we will also be having our First Sunday Ice Cream Birthday and Anniversary Social! The church will provide the ice cream but be sure to bring toppings and any extras you might want to share. We will have it in the Sunday School/Junior Church room.

We will also be starting our outreach again at 10am on Saturdays. Our first outreach on June 6th will be at 11am.

As always, please use caution and do not attend services if you do not feel well.

Service Times:
Sunday School: 10am
Sunday Worship: 11am
Sunday Evening: 5pm
Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study: 7pm
Nursery is available for all services. If you need a ride or would be interested in a home Bible Study, please contact us at (405)397-1642

Sunday Services Starting, May 3rd!

We have been live-streaming our services but starting this Sunday, May 3rd, we will be able to have in-person services, according to the Governor’s guidelines.
Family groups are encouraged to stay together during the services and not congregate in the halls or classrooms. We will not be having a nursery or children’s programs, but children and babies are more than welcome in the services.
We will also not be having hand-shaking time and we are postponing our monthly Ice Cream Social for this month.

If you need a ride or have any more questions, please feel free to call us at (405)397-1642.

Regular service times:
Sunday School 10am
Morning Worship 11am
Evening Service 5pm
Wednesday Service 7pm

Live-Streaming services on Facebook

Because of recent restrictions, we will be live-streaming all of our services on our Facebook page. Please let us know if you have any needs that we could help with.

We also have Bible Study booklets available for free. Contact us through Facebook or by phone and we will bring one to you.

Here are some tips for enjoying services at home:

1. Wake up on time, take a shower, get dressed like you would normally for church.
2. Turn off or put away any electronics that would distract you during the service.
3. Participate! Sing during the song service, write down prayer requests, take sermon notes, and pray during the invitation.
4. Share the feed on your social media accounts so others can view it also.
5. Send encouraging comments and amens during the live-feed broadcast.
6. Let the Pastor and other members know how God spoke to you during the message.
7. Reach out to others in the congregation and let them know you’re praying for them, and offer to help with any needs.
8. Pray for your Pastor, pray for the church members, pray for the church needs, and pray for your community and leaders.
9. Give. Your church still needs to pay its bills. Drop off your tithes and offerings at the church or mail them to the church.
10. Look forward to the time when we can all get together again and worship as a church family together in one place.

For any help or questions, please contact us at (405)397-1642
Regular service times:
Sunday School 10am
Morning Worship 11am
Evening Service 5pm
Wednesday Service 7pm

COVID-19 church update

At this time, we are still having services as usual. The current restrictions (as of 3-18) is no more than 25, and we do not usually have more than that in our services. We are taking extra steps to keep everyone safe by sanitizing, not doing handshaking time, and encouraging those that don’t feel well to stay at home.

As always, we encourage you to use your best judgment about attending services. If you would prefer to stay home during service times, our sending church, Beth Haven Baptist Church, will be live-streaming their services. Their service times are the same as ours, but with Sunday School starting at 9:45 am on Sundays.

If any further restrictions are required by state or federal, we will update our service situation. During these unsure times, always remember that God is faithful and sure, no matter what is going on, and He is always in control.

For any help, counseling, or questions, please feel free to call us at (405)397-1642.

Service Times:
Sunday School: 10am
Sunday Morning: 11am
Sunday Evening: 5pm
Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study: 7pm

Nursery is available for all services.

Missions Conference 2020 at New Location!

We are kicking off our Missions Conference by having our first service in our new location! Sunday, March 15th, will be our first official service and the start of our missions conference.

Join us for two special speackers on all four days. Rick Carter, SR will be preaching for us on Sunday for all services. In addition, Rick Carter, JR will be preaching for us on Monday and Tuesday nights at 7pm.

After having been involved with church planting for over 40 years, Rick Carter, SR now heads up the church planting ministry out of Beth Haven Baptist Church . He has been vital in starting North Haven Baptist Church and getting it to where it is now. Also, he has been involved in planting churches all over Kansas and Oklahoma City.

Rick Carter, JR is our sending Pastor from Beth Haven Baptist Church. He has a doctorate in Biblical Counseling and hosts conferences all over the world dealing with emotional pain and healing.

Missions Conference services will be:
Sunday School: 10am
Morning Service: 11am
Evening Service: 5pm
Monday Evening: 7pm
Tuesday Evening: 7pm
Wednesday Evening: 7pm

Nursery is available for all services. Call for more information or for a ride: (405)397-1642

New Location!

Starting on Wednesday, March 11th, we will be meeting at our new location: 5839 NW 50th St, Warr Acres, Oklahoma.

Until then, we will continue meeting at 7911 W Hefner Rd, Oklahoma City.

We will be having our Emotional Trauma Conference on March 12th at 7pm at our new location.

Missions Conference starts March 15th and will be every night- Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday- at 7pm. Bro Rick Carter, SR will be preaching all day Sunday and Wednesday night, and Bro. Rick Carter, JR will be preaching Monday and Tuesday night.

Contact us for a ride: (405) 397-1642

Service Times:
Sunday School: 10am
Sunday Service: 11am
Sunday Evening: 5pm
Wednesday Service: 7pm
Nursery is available for all services, as needed.

Emotional Trauma Conference

We will be hosting an Emotional Trauma Conference on March 12th @ 7pm.

This is a free conference that deals with emotional trauma from abuse, betrayal, conflict, and death. Every attendee will receive a free copy of the book, “Emotional Pain: The Sources, Symptoms, and Solutions” and hear a presentation from the author.

Also available to those attending is a free Bible Study course that is done at home at your own pace.

The Conference, book, and bible study is free, no purchase necessary. Light snacks will be provided. Please respond to our Facebook Event page for updates.

FREE Emotional Trauma Conference

For more information about North Haven Baptist Church, click here. Regular Service Times:

Sunday School: 10am

Sunday Morning: 11am

Sunday Night: 5pm

Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study: 7pm

Youth Rally – Eastland Baptist Church

Winter Rally January 25th from 12-4. Meet at North Haven at 10am, we’ll return around 6pm. $10 per person, lunch is included.

Rally Info:

·     Saturday, January 25th

·     Noon, registration and Chick-fil-A

·     1-4pm, rally with games, door prizes, singing, and preaching

·      Guest Preacher: Kurt Skelly

·     $10 per person

Ladies Refresh 2020

Join us on January 31st from 6-8pm for a Ladies Refresh dinner. We will be having games, a craft, and a devotion. The meal will be potluck, so bring a dish to share with others. There is no cost for the event. All ladies ages 13 and up are welcome to join us, but there will not be a nursery provided.

For a ride or for more information, please contact us at (405) 397-1642. Reply to our Facebook Event page for updates and more information.

Regular Service Times:

  • Sunday School 10am
  • Morning Service 11am
  • Sunday Evening 5pm
  • Wednesday Evening 7pm

Remembering Christ Service 2019

On Sunday, December 22nd, at 5 pm we will be having our Remembering Christ Service. This is a time where we read the prophecy of the birth of Christ all the way up through His birth.

There is a sign up sheet in the foyer of different passages to read aloud. Some are long, some are just single verses. We will also sing hymns that correspond without the different focuses of the verses.

It is a great time of reflection and remembering the sacrifice Christ made just by coming to earth to be born to die for us.

Remembering Christ Service 2019

Follow us on Facebook to see information about future events.

Regular Service Times:

Sunday School: 10am

Morning Service: 11am

Sunday Evening: 5pm

Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study: 7pm

Nursery provided for all morning services.

Please call for a ride! 405-397-1642

KJV only, Independent Baptist