On June 1st, fathers and children will be meeting at Lake Overholser (exact spot to be announced) for a morning of fishing! Meet at 9am, bring your fishing gear and a chair to sit in.
Once fishing is done, we will be meeting at Pastor’s House for a BBQ lunch. We will be grilling hotdogs, so bring sides to go along with that!
All fathers and children are invited to the fishing trip, everyone is welcome to the BBQ afterward.
Join us on Sunday, May 12th for Mother’s Day! In our 11pm service, we will be handing out a special gift to all mothers in attendance. All mothers and daughters are welcome to join us for our Mother Daughter tea on Friday, May 10th at 6pm. Click here for more information!
Mother’s Day is a time that we celebrate those that gave us life and taught us how to live, and on May 10th at 6 pm we will be having a Mother and Daughter Tea. This is for any woman or girl that is a mother and/or daughter. You do not have to bring a mother and you do not have to bring a daughter! All women are welcome, all ages. Feel free to respond to our Facebook Event page to get updates! https://www.facebook.com/events/1317689585064457/
Mrs. Eunice Carter, one of our missionaries that we support, will be speaking to us on Psalm 63:1- “O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is;”
Our theme this year is “My Soul Thirsteth for Thee”. Bring a finger food to share, drinks will be provided. We will not have a nursery, but all ages are welcome.
If you need a ride, you may contact us at 405-397-1642
On April 21st, we will be celebrating Resurrection Sunday to remember the glorious resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. We will be having a potluck following the morning services- all are welcome to join!
Sunday School- 10AM- all ages, nursery is provided
Sunday Morning- 11AM- junior church (ages 11 and down) and nursery is provided
Sunday Night- 5pm- all are welcome, no nursery is provided
Wednesday Evening- 7PM- all are welcome, no nursery is provided
This Sunday, we will be having the Barfield family. 5 years ago, they started a church in Texarkana, Arkansas. We have been supporting them since our first service in March of 2015, and they will be coming to give us an update of their ministry about what has been happening there. You don’t want to miss the service, Bro. Tyrone is a dynamic preacher! He will be preaching Sunday morning and Sunday evening.
Service Times:
Sunday School – 10am Sunday Morning- 11am Sunday Evening- 5pm Wednesday- 7pm Nursery provided for Sunday morning services, or as needed.
It was encouraging to have Missionary Justin Garber and his fiancée Carla Foster with us on Sunday, March 10th. They will be starting a church in Lyons, Colorado in the Spring of 2020. Justin interned with us from August 2017 until May 2018 when he graduated from Heartland Baptist Bible College and went back to Windsor, Colorado to serve under his local church. Justin and Carla will be getting married in April, 2019 and will then start deputation to raise funds for church planting. Please pray for them as they make many new changes in their life!
Missions Month continues in March with the Barfield Family on March 31st. They are serving in Texarkana, Arkansas. They will be with us all day, plan to come to hear Bro. Tyrone preach and share his burden for the people there!
This month, our ladies meeting is focusing on the tracks we leave behind. Are we living a life that, if someone were to follow, would lead them to Christ? Or are we leaving behind tracks of bitterness and distaste? Does goodness and mercy follow us?
Join us on August 18th for a good time of fellowship, games, a craft, and a spiritual lesson! Available to ladies ages 13+. Bring a finger food to share and a wooden craft letter to decorate.
For more information, contact the church at 405-387-1642 or see our Facebook page.
Regular service times:
Sunday School- 10am
Morning Service- 11am
Sunday Evening- 5pm
Wednesday Service- 7pm
Nursery provided for all services. Sunday school for all ages; junior church during morning service for ages 3-11. Wednesday class for ages 3-7.
We now have a Sunday Evening Service, with nursery provided for babies-3 years old. All are invited and welcome!
Join us for Sunday School at 10am, classes offered for all ages.
The Sunday morning service is at 11am. Nursery is provided for this service as well as Junior Church for ages 4-11 with songs, games, and a age-appropriate Bible lesson.
On Wednesdays we have a prayer meeting starting at 7pm. Nursery is provided as well as a special class for teens ages 12-18. Pastor Carter is teaching on prayer and the importance of it in our daily lives.
For questions about our services, you can contact us at 405-397-1642 or northokcbaptist@gmail.com
We have had an exciting summer and it isn’t over yet! Here are some upcoming events for anyone and everyone to pray about and get involved in:
July 21st- Ladies Get-Together at 2pm. This month’s theme is “Flip-Flops” We will have a time of devotion, game, craft, and fellowship! You won’t want to miss the giveaway! This event is intended for ladies ages 13+. Please invite friends and family! Bring an inexpensive pair of flip-flops to decorate. Respond to the Facebook Event on our Facebook page to get updates and alerts about the event and future events.
August 10th- Bethany Back to School Bash 5-10pm. This is an opportunity to reach our community and let people know about our church and our ministries. We will be handing out a snack, an information bag with information about our ministries (including the tutoring ministry), there will be opportunities to win prizes, and we will be giving out backpacks full of school supplies to one boy and one girl. To get involved, please see Pastor Carter for more information.
August 15th- Tutoring ministry for students in middle and high school will start back up. Every Wednesday at 5pm. Teachers with certification in math, science, and English studies will be available to help at no cost. Free Tutoring offered every Wednesday at 5pm
August 25th- Ladies Get-Together at 2- A last get-together for ladies 13+ before the summer is gone for good. Stay tuned for more information about this event!
Join us for any of these events, if possible. For more information, please contact us at 405-397-1642 or at northokcbaptist@gmail.com