August 2022 Events

7- Ice Cream Birthday/Anniversary Social after Evening Service- join us as we celebrate all birthdays and anniversaries for the month of August. Bring your favorite dessert to share

13- Youth Rally @ Beth Haven- more details to come. For ages 13-19.

19- Ladies Meeting @ 7- we will be having a meeting for all ladies ages 13+ to discuss upcoming events, our future outreach programs, and to enjoy some fellowship! Bring a snack to share.

August 2022 Events

Regular Service Times
Service Times:
Sunday School: 10am
Sunday Worship: 11am
Sunday Evening: 5pm
HOPE Addiction for Women: Wednesdays @6pm
Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study: 7pm
Nursery is available for all services.

For more information or for a ride to any service,
please contact us at (405)397-1642

October 2021 Events

3- Birthday/Anniversary Ice Cream Social after Evening Service. The church will provide the ice cream- please be toppings and any extra desserts that you want to bring!

9- Spiritual Boot Camp at Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. This is for youths in 7th-12th grade. $15/person is due the date of the event. A waiver must be signed by a parent.

10-13- Fall Revival with Maury Gibson; Monday through Wednesday @7

31- Harvest Party during Evening Service; Church will provide the chili, see sign-up for add-ons; Pie Contest sign-up on bulletin board. There will be two categories- fruit and cream. Bring your best homemade pie for the contest!

October 2021 Events

Regular Service Times
Service Times:
Sunday School: 10am
Sunday Worship: 11am
Sunday Evening: 5pm
Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study: 7pm
Nursery is available for all services.

For more information or for a ride to any service,
please contact us at (405)397-1642

July 2020 Events

We are getting back into the swing of things at North Haven Baptist Church! We have resumed regular service times with Sunday School for all ages, nursery when needed, and a Wednesday night class for ages 3-7.

Visitation is at 10am every Saturday morning. We will be putting door hangers on doors and trying to cover as much area as possible. If you would like to help out, it’s a good time to get some exercise and spread the gospel! We are also starting door-knocking visitation on Thursdays at 6pm. We will pair up and knock on doors looking for those that might be interested in coming to church.

On July 24th, we will be having a church work night starting at 5pm. The church will provide sandwich essentials like bread, meat, cheese, and condiments. Bring any extra toppings or sides you like to eat with sandwiches, and then we will finish some projects around the church. There will be opportunities for general clean-up, organizing, painting, mudding and taping, and more! A nursery will be provided.

The music schedule for July, August, and September is out so be sure to see Bro. Bane about when you’re scheduled to sing.

We are currently not doing the Assisted Living Center ministry because of COVID restrictions, but we are keeping the Legend Assisted Living Center in our prayers. Stay tuned for any updates!

As always, keep each other in your prayers and use caution when interacting.

Service Times:
Sunday School: 10am
Sunday Worship: 11am
Sunday Evening: 5pm
Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study: 7pm
Nursery is available for all services. If you need a ride or would be interested in a home Bible Study, please contact us at (405)397-1642

Emotional Trauma Conference

We will be hosting an Emotional Trauma Conference on March 12th @ 7pm.

This is a free conference that deals with emotional trauma from abuse, betrayal, conflict, and death. Every attendee will receive a free copy of the book, “Emotional Pain: The Sources, Symptoms, and Solutions” and hear a presentation from the author.

Also available to those attending is a free Bible Study course that is done at home at your own pace.

The Conference, book, and bible study is free, no purchase necessary. Light snacks will be provided. Please respond to our Facebook Event page for updates.

FREE Emotional Trauma Conference

For more information about North Haven Baptist Church, click here. Regular Service Times:

Sunday School: 10am

Sunday Morning: 11am

Sunday Night: 5pm

Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study: 7pm

Ladies Refresh 2020

Join us on January 31st from 6-8pm for a Ladies Refresh dinner. We will be having games, a craft, and a devotion. The meal will be potluck, so bring a dish to share with others. There is no cost for the event. All ladies ages 13 and up are welcome to join us, but there will not be a nursery provided.

For a ride or for more information, please contact us at (405) 397-1642. Reply to our Facebook Event page for updates and more information.

Regular Service Times:

  • Sunday School 10am
  • Morning Service 11am
  • Sunday Evening 5pm
  • Wednesday Evening 7pm

Remembering Christ Service 2019

On Sunday, December 22nd, at 5 pm we will be having our Remembering Christ Service. This is a time where we read the prophecy of the birth of Christ all the way up through His birth.

There is a sign up sheet in the foyer of different passages to read aloud. Some are long, some are just single verses. We will also sing hymns that correspond without the different focuses of the verses.

It is a great time of reflection and remembering the sacrifice Christ made just by coming to earth to be born to die for us.

Remembering Christ Service 2019

Follow us on Facebook to see information about future events.

Regular Service Times:

Sunday School: 10am

Morning Service: 11am

Sunday Evening: 5pm

Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study: 7pm

Nursery provided for all morning services.

Please call for a ride! 405-397-1642

KJV only, Independent Baptist

Thanksgiving Dinner and Midweek Service

It’s the season for gratefulness and we will be having a Thanksgiving and Praise meal on November 26th, 2019. This will also count as our midweek service, so we will not have services on Wednesday, November 27th.

Our dinner is potluck with the church providing the turkey, so bring your favorite side dishes! There is a sign-up list on the bulletin board at the church, but feel free to bring what you are able. If you can’t bring anything, you are still welcome to attend.

Bring your friends and neighbors! Dinner will start at 6pm, so please try to bring the food before then so we can get set up.

2019 Fall Festival Pictures

We had a great time at our Fall Festival! Here are some pictures. Rebekah Bane won Best Fruit Pie with her blackberry and raspberry pie. Anna Carter won Best Cream Pie with her peanut butter salted caramel pie. And Eunice Carter won Best Pie Overall with her gluten free pecan pie.

We played several games and had a great time! Apples, whipped topping, candy corn, and streamers were flying in fun. Thank you to everyone who came and participated in the pie contest and games. We can’t wait until next year!

Revival Services with Maury Gibson

On August 13th through the 16th we will be having Revival Services with Bro. Maury Gibson. Bro. Gibson was recently the Pastor of Lighthouse Baptist Church, Rock Island, Illinois and now travels to churches around the country preaching for revivals and conferences.

Services will be regular service times on Sunday (10am, 11am, and 5pm), and then 7pm Monday-Wednesday.

If you need a ride, contact us at 405-397-1642.