Teen Service

As usual on the 5th Sunday, this Sunday will be our special teen service. The teens of the church will be more involved than usual with song leading, music specials, and preaching. Come out and support the teens as they strive to serve God in their church.

Youth Rally at Hallmark Baptist Church

All teens aged 13-19 are invited to join us on July 27th as we attend a youth rally at Hallmark Baptist Church in Enid, Oklahoma. We will be meeting at the North Haven Baptist Church at 9am and leaving before 9:30. The rally will be from 11-1 and we will arrive back around 3. Lunch is provided. There will be prizes, food, games, and good preaching! Bro. Tim Russell will be the main speaker and he will be a blessing. Come prepared for a good time and to receive a spiritual blessing.

If you are interested in going, please contact us at 405-306-7985.

Youth Rally in Enid, Oklahoma

Exciting Summer Events for All Ages

We have had an exciting summer and it isn’t over yet! Here are some upcoming events for anyone and everyone to pray about and get involved in:

July 21st- Ladies Get-Together at 2pm. This month’s theme is “Flip-Flops” We will have a time of devotion, game, craft, and fellowship! You won’t want to miss the giveaway! This event is intended for ladies ages 13+. Please invite friends and family! Bring an inexpensive pair of flip-flops to decorate. Respond to the Facebook Event on our Facebook page to get updates and alerts about the event and future events.

August 10th- Bethany Back to School Bash 5-10pm. This is an opportunity to reach our community and let people know about our church and our ministries. We will be handing out a snack, an information bag with information about our ministries (including the tutoring ministry), there will be opportunities to win prizes, and we will be giving out backpacks full of school supplies to one boy and one girl. To get involved, please see Pastor Carter for more information.

August 15th- Tutoring ministry for students in middle and high school will start back up. Every Wednesday at 5pm. Teachers with certification in math, science, and English studies will be available to help at no cost.

Free Tutoring offered every Wednesday at 5pm

August 25th- Ladies Get-Together at 2- A last get-together for ladies 13+ before the summer is gone for good. Stay tuned for more information about this event!

Join us for any of these events, if possible. For more information, please contact us at 405-397-1642 or at northokcbaptist@gmail.com