April 2021 Events

The big event for the month of April is the Ladies Meeting on the 29th. Our guest speaker will be a representative form the Willow Pregnancy Support in Bethany, OK. WE are still collecting donations to give on that night. Below is a list of needed donations. At this time we are focusing on diapers and the requested formula but other donations are also appreciated. The meeting will start at 7pm. All ladies aged 13+ are welcome to attend. There will not be a nursery.

  • Diapers- newborn through size 5
  • Baby clothes- newborn through size 6 (gently used and clean)
  • Baby lotion
  • Baby wash
  • Bottles
  • Maternity clothes (gently used and clean)
  • Formula- Good Start- orange can
  • Blankets
  • Bodysuits- New (newborn size)
  • Rompers- New (newborn size)
  • Receiving Blankets- New
  • Sleepwear- New (newborn size)
  • Socks or Booties- new (newborn size)
  • Hat or Beanie- new
  • Bath Towels- new
  • Burp cloths- new

Regular Service Times
Service Times:
Sunday School: 10am
Sunday Worship: 11am
Sunday Evening: 5pm
Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study: 7pm
Nursery is available for all services.

For more information or for a ride to any service,
please contact us at (405)397-1642

March 2021 Events

Ladies Day Away

6th- This Saturday, the ladies will be going to Weatherford, Oklahoma for a Ladies Day Away hosted by Calvary Baptist Church in Weatherford, OK. There will be singing, preaching, giveaways, and games to enjoy. The cost is $15 plus money for lunch.

Birthday and Anniversary Celebration

7th- As usual, we will be celebrating birthdays and anniversaries for the month of March after the Sunday evening service. The church will provide the ice cream so bring your favorite toppings or extra desserts! Those with a birthday or anniversary in March will get to go first.

Lord’s Supper

30th- To remember the sacrifice Christ made on the cross, we will be having the Lord’s Supper on Tuesday the 30th at 7pm. Participation is for members only. Prepare your hearts for this special event.


Every Saturday at 10, weather permitting, we will be canvassing our area. It is contact free- all we do is hang a door hanger on doors. Gloves and masks are provided. This is a great way to get the gospel out to our neighbors and let them know about our church.

Regular Service Times
Service Times:
Sunday School: 10am
Sunday Worship: 11am
Sunday Evening: 5pm
Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study: 7pm
Nursery is available for all services.

For more information or for a ride to any service,
please contact us at (405)397-1642

January 2021 Events

It’s a new year and there are new opportunities for you to get involved! These are the events coming up in January.

15th- Ladies Meeting

Mari Dixon from Victory Women’s Home will be speaking to us about the home. She will be sharing her testimony, sharing some informaiton about the home, and giving an update on how things are going there. We have been collecting personal products for the women in the home; things like shampoo, soap, razors, brushes, etc. If you would like to donate items, please bring them to the church before the 15th. For more specific information, like what types of products are still needed, please contact the church or see the list on the bulletin board.

31st- Youth PM Service

Join us for the Sunday PM service to support the youth as they get involved in the entire service. They will be leading the singing, preaching, doing the special music, and more.

Saturdays @10- Canvassing

Every Saturday at 10, weather permitting, we will be canvassing our area. It is contact free- all we do is hang a door hanger on doors. Gloves and masks are provided. This is a great way to get the gospel out to our neighbors and let them know about our church.

January 2021 Events

December Events 2020

December is a busy time for families, so we try to keep our events to a minimum. Family is important and we don’t want to add stress to a time that should be about thankfulness and family.

December 6th- As always, the first Sunday night of the month is when we have our Birthday and Anniversary Ice Cream Social event. Those with birthdays or anniversaries in the month of December get to go first through the line. The church will provide the ice cream, so bring your favorite toppings or side dessert to share!

December 23rd- Remembering Christ Service We want to focus on the most important message of the season- the Gospel of Christ. Join us for this Wednesday night service when we will be reading scriptures leading up to the birth of Christ. Check the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for the Scripture list.

We will be changing our Wednesday night service schedule. Instead of having the prayer requests before the message, they will now be afterward. This is for the ease of live-streaming the service. The livestream will be turned off after the message and invitation. For a current prayer list, please contact us at northokcbaptist@gmail.com.

Regular Service Times
Service Times:
Sunday School: 10am
Sunday Worship: 11am
Sunday Evening: 5pm
Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study: 7pm
Nursery is available for all services.

For more information or for a ride to any service,
please contact us at (405)397-1642

December 2020 Events

November Events 2020

Ladies Meeting

12th- We will be having a casual ladies meeting to discuss our plans for 2021. The Lord has given Mrs. Carter a vision for the new year and what the ladies of the church can do to reach the community and spread the gospel. Meet at 6pm and bring finger foods to share. Children are welcome. The ladies will meet while the men go out door-knocking.

Ladies Night Out

13th- The ladies will be going to Lighthouse Baptist Church in Mustang, OK for a Ladies Night Out event. There will be snacks, crafts, giveaways, and a fun time of fellowship! The event is for ladies ages 13+. There is no cost, but there will be a raffle and also items available for purchase. Bring a finger food to share.

Thanksgiving Dinner and Praise Service

22nd- Join us for our Thanksgiving Dinner and Praise Service! We will set up for the dinner after the morning service, with the praise service immediately following the meal. The church will be providing the meat (Turkey and Ham) and there will be a sign-up sheet for sides. We will also be having our Pie Contest at this time. Bring a cream pie or a fruit pie to enter into the contest!

Fifth Sunday Teen Service

29th- Every 5th Sunday the Teens take over the evening service. They will be doing the song leading, special, offertory, and preaching!


Outreach opportunities include door-knocking on Thursdays at 6pm and Canvassing at 10am on Saturdays

Regular Service Times

Service Times:
Sunday School: 10am
Sunday Worship: 11am
Sunday Evening: 5pm
Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study: 7pm
Nursery is available for all services.

For more information or for a ride to any service,
please contact us at (405)397-1642

November Events 2020

October 2020 Church Events

We have some fun events happening in October, so be sure to check them out! Plan on being involved and invite friends to join as well.

October 4th- Ice Cream Social

On the first Sunday of the month, October 4th, we will be having our monthly Ice Cream Social to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries in October. If you have any friends with October birthdays, invite them to our evening service and they will get to go first in line for ice cream!

October 8th-10th- Men’s Retreat

October 8-10th is the Men’s Retreat at Beth Haven Baptist Church. Bro. Ron Pittman from Bible-Way Baptist Church in Hamilton, Ohio will be preaching. It starts Thursday evening with a meal at 5pm followed by a service. Services will be held Friday during the day and evening, and then Saturday morning will be a service. Meals will be provided throughout. There is no cost but we will need to know who all can make it. If you would like to carpool, contact Pastor Caleb.

October 22nd- Ladies’ Meeting

We will be having a Ladies’ Meeting on October 22nd at 6pm while the men go out visiting. We will be meeting at our church. It will be a short meeting to discuss plans for 2021 and the vision that the Lord has given Mrs. Carter for the women for the year. God has exciting things planned for us! Be sure to make it to hear all of the updates. Children are welcome.

October 31st- Youth Rally

The teens will be going to a youth rally at Vandament Avenue Baptist Church on October 31st. More information will be provided when it becomes available.

October 31st- Harvest Party

The Annual Pie Contest is almost here! ON October 31st, we will be having a Harvest Party at Pastor’s House. Chili will be provided, sign up to bring chili extras. Bring your home-made pie to enter the contest- either cream pie or fruit pie. There will be a winner of each category and an overall winner. The winner gets the honor of being the Pie Champion for an entire year! There will be games and activities for children as well.

Outreach Opportunities

We have restarted our Door-Knocking visitation on Thursday evenings at 6pm. Other visitation opportunities include canvassing at 10am on Saturdays. On Saturdays we do not knock on doors, we just leave a door-hanger, so it is a contact-less activity event that everyone can be involved in!

October Events 2020

Service Times:
Sunday School: 10am
Sunday Worship: 11am
Sunday Evening: 5pm
Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study: 7pm
Nursery is available for all services.

For more information or for a ride to any service,
please contact us at (405)397-1642

September 2020 Activities

HERe are the upcoming events for the month of September:

6th- We will be having our monthly ice cream birthday and anniversary social. The church provides the ice cream, so bring your favorite toppings or side desserts! Those that have birthdays or anniversaries in the month of September will get to go in the front of the line. This will be held after the evening service in the Sunday School room.

10- There is still some work that needs to be done at our building. We will be having a potluck meal starting at 5:30 and then working after we are done eating. Bring enough food for your family plus a few more and we will have plenty for everyone! Come dressed and prepared to do painting, organizing, small repairs, and some cleaning.

26- The youth will be going to a Youth Rally at Crosspoint Baptist Church in Yukon, OK. This will be for ages 13-18 and is $3/person. Meet at the church at 10am and we will be back before 4pm. Please dress appropriately for group game activities. Lunch will be served.

Service Times:
Sunday School: 10am
Sunday Worship: 11am
Sunday Evening: 5pm
Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study: 7pm
Nursery is available for all services.

If you need a ride or would be interested in a home Bible Study,
please contact us at (405)397-1642

August 2020 Events

This August we have several events coming up to be involved in!
As always, we have our Birthday and Anniversary Ice Cream Social the first Sunday night of the month, which is the 2nd. The church provides the ice cream, please bring any toppings or extras like brownies, cake, etc.!

Our sending church, Beth Haven Baptist, is hosting a Day Camp for ages 7-18 from August 3-7th. Prices are $70 for junior campers and $150 for senior campers. Various activities and preaching services are planned. Meals will be served as well.

On the 14th and 15th, the ladies will be going to a Retreat at Beth HAven Baptist Church. The theme is “Be Thou My Vision” and the cost is $25/person. We will be meeting at the PAStor’s house on the 10th @7pm to make the name tags. Please see Mrs. Carter for information about the prize basket we will be taking.

August 30th is the 5th Sunday of the month, so the teens will be taking over the service. They will be doing the song leading, special music, offering, and preaching. Be sure to attend to encourage them in serving the Lord.

Service Times:
Sunday School: 10am
Sunday Worship: 11am
Sunday Evening: 5pm
Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study: 7pm
Nursery is available for all services.

If you need a ride or would be interested in a home Bible Study,
please contact us at (405)397-1642

August 2020 Events NHBC

Full Services and Activities Resuming

We are going to resume full service schedule and activities starting June 7, 2020. This means that we will have Children’s Sunday School and Junior Church on Sunday mornings as well as nursery services available as needed. Wednesday nights we will have a class for children ages 2-7 during the Prayer and Bible Study times.

Starting on June 7th, we will also be having our First Sunday Ice Cream Birthday and Anniversary Social! The church will provide the ice cream but be sure to bring toppings and any extras you might want to share. We will have it in the Sunday School/Junior Church room.

We will also be starting our outreach again at 10am on Saturdays. Our first outreach on June 6th will be at 11am.

As always, please use caution and do not attend services if you do not feel well.

Service Times:
Sunday School: 10am
Sunday Worship: 11am
Sunday Evening: 5pm
Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study: 7pm
Nursery is available for all services. If you need a ride or would be interested in a home Bible Study, please contact us at (405)397-1642

Sunday Services Starting, May 3rd!

We have been live-streaming our services but starting this Sunday, May 3rd, we will be able to have in-person services, according to the Governor’s guidelines.
Family groups are encouraged to stay together during the services and not congregate in the halls or classrooms. We will not be having a nursery or children’s programs, but children and babies are more than welcome in the services.
We will also not be having hand-shaking time and we are postponing our monthly Ice Cream Social for this month.

If you need a ride or have any more questions, please feel free to call us at (405)397-1642.

Regular service times:
Sunday School 10am
Morning Worship 11am
Evening Service 5pm
Wednesday Service 7pm