Mother Daughter Tea

Mother’s Day is a time that we celebrate those that gave us life and taught us how to live, and on May 10th at 6 pm we will be having a Mother and Daughter Tea. This is for any woman or girl that is a mother and/or daughter. You do not have to bring a mother and you do not have to bring a daughter! All women are welcome, all ages. Feel free to respond to our Facebook Event page to get updates!

Mrs. Eunice Carter, one of our missionaries that we support, will be speaking to us on Psalm 63:1- “O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is;”

Our theme this year is “My Soul Thirsteth for Thee”. Bring a finger food to share, drinks will be provided. We will not have a nursery, but all ages are welcome.

If you need a ride, you may contact us at 405-397-1642

Resurrection Sunday

On April 21st, we will be celebrating Resurrection Sunday to remember the glorious resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. We will be having a potluck following the morning services- all are welcome to join!

Sunday School- 10AM- all ages, nursery is provided

Sunday Morning- 11AM- junior church (ages 11 and down) and nursery is provided

Sunday Night- 5pm- all are welcome, no nursery is provided

Wednesday Evening- 7PM- all are welcome, no nursery is provided

Missionary Tyrone Barfield and Family

This Sunday, we will be having the Barfield family. 5 years ago, they started a church in Texarkana, Arkansas. We have been supporting them since our first service in March of 2015, and they will be coming to give us an update of their ministry about what has been happening there. You don’t want to miss the service, Bro. Tyrone is a dynamic preacher! He will be preaching Sunday morning and Sunday evening.

Service Times:

Sunday School – 10am
Sunday Morning- 11am
Sunday Evening- 5pm
Wednesday- 7pm
Nursery provided for Sunday morning services, or as needed.

2016 Missions Conference
Barfield Family

Missionary Justin Garber- Missions Month

It was encouraging to have Missionary Justin Garber and his fiancée Carla Foster with us on Sunday, March 10th. They will be starting a church in Lyons, Colorado in the Spring of 2020. Justin interned with us from August 2017 until May 2018 when he graduated from Heartland Baptist Bible College and went back to Windsor, Colorado to serve under his local church. Justin and Carla will be getting married in April, 2019 and will then start deputation to raise funds for church planting. Please pray for them as they make many new changes in their life!

Missions Month continues in March with the Barfield Family on March 31st. They are serving in Texarkana, Arkansas. They will be with us all day, plan to come to hear Bro. Tyrone preach and share his burden for the people there!


Harvest Party 2018

Join us on October 27th at 5:30 for our annual Harvest Party!

Chili will be provided, but we ask that everyone bring stuff to go in the chili (cheese, sour cream, onions, etc).

Pie Contest! Bring your homemade pie, either cream or fruit, for our highly technical and elite judging competition! One winner for each category!

The Harvest Party will not be held at the church, for directions please call (405) 397-1642

The Tracks We Leave Behind Ladies Meeting

forest with light

This month, our ladies meeting is focusing on the tracks we leave behind. Are we living a life that, if someone were to follow, would lead them to Christ? Or are we leaving behind tracks of bitterness and distaste? Does goodness and mercy follow us?

Join us on August 18th for a good time of fellowship, games, a craft, and a spiritual lesson! Available to ladies ages 13+. Bring a finger food to share and a wooden craft letter to decorate.

For more information, contact the church at 405-387-1642 or see our Facebook page.

Regular service times:

Sunday School- 10am

Morning Service- 11am

Sunday Evening- 5pm

Wednesday Service- 7pm

Nursery provided for all services. Sunday school for all ages; junior church during morning service for ages 3-11. Wednesday class for ages 3-7.

Thomas Family and Victory Ranch

This Sunday we will have the Thomas family in our afternoon services. They run the Victory Ranch in Bridge Creek, Oklahoma which is a recovery home for men who struggle with addiction. They house, employ, and give counseling to the men that come to the ranch. Come find out about their ministry!

Victory Ranch Logo

Our Regular Services are:

Sunday School @ 10

Morning Service @11

Lunch- all are welcome

Afternoon Service @1:30

HOPE Addictions Ministry @4


Remembering Christ Service

This Sunday come for breakfast and a special service. We will be reading passages in the Bible leading up to the birth of Christ, and the accounts of His birth. Bring finger breakfast foods to share! December 24th at 10:30am.

Mid-week Service Change

Our regular Wednesday night service has been moved to Tuesday night, November 21st, 2017. It will still be at 7pm. No services on Wednesday, November 22nd.

Regular Wednesday night services will continue on November 29th, 2017

Enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend and we will see you on Sunday!

Fall Festival 2017

North Haven Baptist Church Fall Festival!




Cool weather!

Come celebrate Fall with us on November 11th at 5pm.

Chili will be provided, but bring toppings and sides to go along with it.

There will be two pie contests: one for fruit pies, and one for cream pies.

Side up at church or let Laura Carter know what you would like to bring.

We will have lots of food, games for the kids, and godly fellowship!

Join us at Pastor Carter’s house. For address and directions, please see Pastor or Laura Carter.

RSVP at our Facebook page.