July 2020 Events

We are getting back into the swing of things at North Haven Baptist Church! We have resumed regular service times with Sunday School for all ages, nursery when needed, and a Wednesday night class for ages 3-7.

Visitation is at 10am every Saturday morning. We will be putting door hangers on doors and trying to cover as much area as possible. If you would like to help out, it’s a good time to get some exercise and spread the gospel! We are also starting door-knocking visitation on Thursdays at 6pm. We will pair up and knock on doors looking for those that might be interested in coming to church.

On July 24th, we will be having a church work night starting at 5pm. The church will provide sandwich essentials like bread, meat, cheese, and condiments. Bring any extra toppings or sides you like to eat with sandwiches, and then we will finish some projects around the church. There will be opportunities for general clean-up, organizing, painting, mudding and taping, and more! A nursery will be provided.

The music schedule for July, August, and September is out so be sure to see Bro. Bane about when you’re scheduled to sing.

We are currently not doing the Assisted Living Center ministry because of COVID restrictions, but we are keeping the Legend Assisted Living Center in our prayers. Stay tuned for any updates!

As always, keep each other in your prayers and use caution when interacting.

Service Times:
Sunday School: 10am
Sunday Worship: 11am
Sunday Evening: 5pm
Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study: 7pm
Nursery is available for all services. If you need a ride or would be interested in a home Bible Study, please contact us at (405)397-1642

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