May 2022 Events

1- Ice Cream Birthday/Anniversary Social after Evening Service- Join us as we celebrate all birthdays and anniversaries in the month of May!

7- Mother’s Day Tea @3pm; all ladies and girls invited. Join us for a fun and encouraging tea party! All ladies are invited- having or being a mother not required. We will have tea, coffee, and lemonade and yummy treats! Enjoy a devotion, a game, and lots of fun!

8- Mother’s Day- all mothers present with receive a gift!

15-18- Spring Revival w/ Maury Gibson- Sunday services will be regular times- 10am, 11am, and 5pm. Monday- Wednesday services will be at 7pm.

22- Church Organization Service @ 1:30; potluck lunch beforehand, no evening service. We are excited to organize as a church and become our own indigenous church! All members are encouraged to attend as we will be signing the Church Charter to signify the first official members of the church!

Spring Revival 2022
May 2022 Events

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