Missionary Justin Garber- Missions Month

It was encouraging to have Missionary Justin Garber and his fiancée Carla Foster with us on Sunday, March 10th. They will be starting a church in Lyons, Colorado in the Spring of 2020. Justin interned with us from August 2017 until May 2018 when he graduated from Heartland Baptist Bible College and went back to Windsor, Colorado to serve under his local church. Justin and Carla will be getting married in April, 2019 and will then start deputation to raise funds for church planting. Please pray for them as they make many new changes in their life!

Missions Month continues in March with the Barfield Family on March 31st. They are serving in Texarkana, Arkansas. They will be with us all day, plan to come to hear Bro. Tyrone preach and share his burden for the people there!


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