November Events 2020

Ladies Meeting

12th- We will be having a casual ladies meeting to discuss our plans for 2021. The Lord has given Mrs. Carter a vision for the new year and what the ladies of the church can do to reach the community and spread the gospel. Meet at 6pm and bring finger foods to share. Children are welcome. The ladies will meet while the men go out door-knocking.

Ladies Night Out

13th- The ladies will be going to Lighthouse Baptist Church in Mustang, OK for a Ladies Night Out event. There will be snacks, crafts, giveaways, and a fun time of fellowship! The event is for ladies ages 13+. There is no cost, but there will be a raffle and also items available for purchase. Bring a finger food to share.

Thanksgiving Dinner and Praise Service

22nd- Join us for our Thanksgiving Dinner and Praise Service! We will set up for the dinner after the morning service, with the praise service immediately following the meal. The church will be providing the meat (Turkey and Ham) and there will be a sign-up sheet for sides. We will also be having our Pie Contest at this time. Bring a cream pie or a fruit pie to enter into the contest!

Fifth Sunday Teen Service

29th- Every 5th Sunday the Teens take over the evening service. They will be doing the song leading, special, offertory, and preaching!


Outreach opportunities include door-knocking on Thursdays at 6pm and Canvassing at 10am on Saturdays

Regular Service Times

Service Times:
Sunday School: 10am
Sunday Worship: 11am
Sunday Evening: 5pm
Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study: 7pm
Nursery is available for all services.

For more information or for a ride to any service,
please contact us at (405)397-1642

November Events 2020

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