October 2020 Church Events

We have some fun events happening in October, so be sure to check them out! Plan on being involved and invite friends to join as well.

October 4th- Ice Cream Social

On the first Sunday of the month, October 4th, we will be having our monthly Ice Cream Social to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries in October. If you have any friends with October birthdays, invite them to our evening service and they will get to go first in line for ice cream!

October 8th-10th- Men’s Retreat

October 8-10th is the Men’s Retreat at Beth Haven Baptist Church. Bro. Ron Pittman from Bible-Way Baptist Church in Hamilton, Ohio will be preaching. It starts Thursday evening with a meal at 5pm followed by a service. Services will be held Friday during the day and evening, and then Saturday morning will be a service. Meals will be provided throughout. There is no cost but we will need to know who all can make it. If you would like to carpool, contact Pastor Caleb.

October 22nd- Ladies’ Meeting

We will be having a Ladies’ Meeting on October 22nd at 6pm while the men go out visiting. We will be meeting at our church. It will be a short meeting to discuss plans for 2021 and the vision that the Lord has given Mrs. Carter for the women for the year. God has exciting things planned for us! Be sure to make it to hear all of the updates. Children are welcome.

October 31st- Youth Rally

The teens will be going to a youth rally at Vandament Avenue Baptist Church on October 31st. More information will be provided when it becomes available.

October 31st- Harvest Party

The Annual Pie Contest is almost here! ON October 31st, we will be having a Harvest Party at Pastor’s House. Chili will be provided, sign up to bring chili extras. Bring your home-made pie to enter the contest- either cream pie or fruit pie. There will be a winner of each category and an overall winner. The winner gets the honor of being the Pie Champion for an entire year! There will be games and activities for children as well.

Outreach Opportunities

We have restarted our Door-Knocking visitation on Thursday evenings at 6pm. Other visitation opportunities include canvassing at 10am on Saturdays. On Saturdays we do not knock on doors, we just leave a door-hanger, so it is a contact-less activity event that everyone can be involved in!

October Events 2020

Service Times:
Sunday School: 10am
Sunday Worship: 11am
Sunday Evening: 5pm
Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study: 7pm
Nursery is available for all services.

For more information or for a ride to any service,
please contact us at (405)397-1642

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