In the Sunday School hour, Bro. Wayne showed his presentation and then expressed his burden for his mission field. Plymouth is where the first pilgrims came from and where many missionaries were sent out of in the 1800’s. Now a person would have to drive 120 miles round trip to reach a church that preaches the gospel.
Watch the plea from a woman they met while on a survey trip to Plymouth, England.
During the morning service he preached a convicting message about the three men necessary for soul winning: Jesus, who died so men could be saved; the sinner in need of a Savior; and the soul winner who is willing to accept the call that God has given him without asking questions. He used the example of Philip reaching the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts chapter 8.
If you would be interested in having the Grissom family in your church, please contact Wayne Grissom at (405) 779-0957.